Meryl @ pixelmagic is…
owner of; designer, pixel alchemist, accidental event organiser and equine lover.
The opinions expressed here are mostly her own 😉

I don’t need a designer, I can do it myself

I got a call from a friend the other day – she works for her mom occasionally, and her mom wanted her to redo the company business cards for their boss, but she didn’t have the right programs to do it in. Her mom...

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The Client from Hell

Recently I had the most profoundly vile experience of my life with a certain client. Let’s call him the NCfH (Nightmare Client from Hell). He was rude, he was ignorant (and proud of it! He emailed me telling me he did not want to...

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Does Your Small Business Need a Blog?

It seems as if everyone has one, and experts say they're a great marketing tool. No better opportunity exists to engage in an open dialogue and exchange of ideas with customers and potential customers. But is the time commitment worth it?

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