Meryl @ pixelmagic is…
owner of; designer, pixel alchemist, accidental event organiser and equine lover.
The opinions expressed here are mostly her own 😉

A page or a group?

So many times I see business creating a Group on Facebook .. and I often get asked “Do I need a Facebook Business Page or a Group?” I think the clue’s in the name, personally 😉 If you have a BUSINESS, (ie: you’re wanting to do something that...

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But Facebook’s just for kids!

Client: “Everyone knows that Facebook’s just for kids. Only teenagers use it to play those stupid farm games and change their relationship status every day and write silly comments on each others’ photos.  Oh, and it’s quite nice for me to send photos of...

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How not to run an email competition

Competitions are an awesome way to promote your brand, get people talking about your products or services and get them to do some marketing on your behalf. It’s viral marketing at its sweetest. I got an email today with a 1Mb Word attachment advertising...

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